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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Caroline2004123 - Nonmember

                                                        Caught this person trying to scam.
( If you dont know what it says, It says "FIRST ONES TO TRADE ME A SPIKE, GETS MY BETAS AND MY NEON BOW!"
    My brain tells me to do stuff, and it told me to call that person " ms scammer " so I could let them    know that I know that they are scamming.
They replied with " UR MOM "
nice comeback xbox kid lol
I let them know that their comeback was bad, because its true.
I speak my mind. Im not rude.
Also I let them know that I took screenshots so I can see their reaction. ( AKA, if they would leave)
And.. I was correct! They left. Anyways, report " Ms scammer"
 Stay safe jammers!

Monday, April 25, 2016

cutecakegirl - Member

Bonjour! Today, I've caught a scammer trying to scam me, but I was too smart. I don't know why people are obsessed with Spiked Collars, but this chick was trying to grab my Rare Black Long Spiked Collar. Cute had attempted the common "gift me ______ and I gift you my _______ scam.
Just saying, a silver, non-rare Diamond Shop Spiked Collar is not fair for the rarest of the Rare Spiked Collars, a black longed-spiked one. Well, watch out for Cute. Stay safe and Comet on.

imbackeveryone122 - Non-Member

Bonjour! That's hello in French. Today I've got an Fman122 imposter, imbackeveryone122. This is a fake because AJHQ banished Fman many years ago, and nobody should be afraid of these fakes. imbackeveryone122 sent me a harmless Jam-A-Gram saying Animal Jam Rocks!, and I immediately replied with a simple three-period response.
Note that the real Fman122 had a gift with the Jam-A-Gram, setting a virus to your computer. But if you see a fake Fman, be sure to report them, block them, and tell everyone, including AJHQ, that there's a fake Fman122 on the loose. Well, that's it for imbackeveryone122. Ciao. Stay safe and Comet on.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Danyelle13 - Member

rareity wow lol
pls report this child
and stay safe jammers!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

xxseal44xx - Member

Well, we have got a scammer that tried to scam me, but I was too smart to get scammed by this chick. I don't know if Seal is a boy or a girl, so I will just call him/her Seal. Anyways, Seal started by an average scammer's starting point - the bribing. Seal Jam-A-Grammed me last night, "do u want a rare spike?" which translates into "Do you want a Rare Spiked Collar?". Then, Seal JAGGED me this, which turned to Animal Jam Rocks today (she attempted last night): "first u send me ur spike" That's what a remember from last night; but that message translates to "First, you send me your black Rare Spiked Collar." Next, I asked Seal if she even HAD a Spiked Collar. Their response was, a backpedaling trick, "this is not trick," which translates to "No, this is not a scam."  Continuing on with their little "directions," Seal said, "then i gift u my spike," which translates to, "Then I will gift you my Spiked Collar." All I know is that Seal didn't even have a single Spiked Collar, and they were attempting to scam a scam catcher. For your convenience, I snapped a photo of all of the Jam-A-Grams that Seal sent me:
(The top Jam-A-Gram's contents were blocked for that Jammer's safety.) Well, that's it about this chick. Stay safe and Comet On.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Scammer- llakash

Scammer - Tiger7710

w0w another scammer
I'm really disappointed.
 Soo this eagle, was advertising that if we gave her a spike, she'd give us TWO spikes. WHATTA DEAL
another obvious scam
so I asked if they even had a spike
they said yes
but they also had a lot of necklaces on trade LOL
so i started sizing Tiger up and some people joined me
tiger ultimately got frustrated and left 
another spike saved

Scammer - JericahJadden

It's Astral here again, so I caught another cringey scammer
So they were advertising "gift me and I'll gift you back" scam
So I gifted them my Donald Trump hair
A couple moments after I gifted them it, they vanished!
so plz sand me speck i got scallp guys

greencherrysour89 - Member

I said " The blue fox is scamming " Thing is, there were more than 1 blue fox in the room.
He changed his colors in a flash.
Stay safe!

Cryingsilly - Member

                                                       Picture says it all.

Mustang399 - Member


Ross12376 - Member

So I found a scammer in Draa. DRAAma! ( NICE PUN! )
No you're not, you only have a Google+ account. Not a YouTube.

Bye! Stay safe jammers!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wolf75645 - Member

                                            Pfft, like you even have a YouTube channel!

~ Btw sorry I didn't get the player card ~

Scammer - Icedude9

Hey guys, so I was just strolling around Jamaa Township when I saw this

This is just an obvious scam, WootMoo doesn't have a brother!
Also preach this person

People started to gang up on him (including me) on how we can just gift WootMoo the spike ourselves. He didn't respond at all and kept asking for spikes.
So five people started complaining about Icedude, and he poofed away!

Mickey1027 - Member

Hey! Today I got another scammer - Mickey1027. This dude was standing in Jamaa Township saying..
Obviously we knew it was a scam, but for your convenience, I dropped by this dude's den.
This is obviously part of the turn-white-to-get-free-diamonds glitch, but this wasn't exactly it. Following Mickey's instructions, we ended up doing this:
At the end, we all got locked out by Mickey saying this was a scam. (No picture, sorry!)
Well, that's it about Mickey1027. Stay safe.
~Ninja CosmicKitty who still needs to make herself a signature

whatupdogs200 - Nonmember

So, I was looking for scammers in WootMoo's den
because there are like 70 different scammers there per millisecond
and I found one.

Mhm. So make sure you report and block him!
Stay safe jammers!

Singing Hatsune Miku