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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

xxseal44xx - Member

Well, we have got a scammer that tried to scam me, but I was too smart to get scammed by this chick. I don't know if Seal is a boy or a girl, so I will just call him/her Seal. Anyways, Seal started by an average scammer's starting point - the bribing. Seal Jam-A-Grammed me last night, "do u want a rare spike?" which translates into "Do you want a Rare Spiked Collar?". Then, Seal JAGGED me this, which turned to Animal Jam Rocks today (she attempted last night): "first u send me ur spike" That's what a remember from last night; but that message translates to "First, you send me your black Rare Spiked Collar." Next, I asked Seal if she even HAD a Spiked Collar. Their response was, a backpedaling trick, "this is not trick," which translates to "No, this is not a scam."  Continuing on with their little "directions," Seal said, "then i gift u my spike," which translates to, "Then I will gift you my Spiked Collar." All I know is that Seal didn't even have a single Spiked Collar, and they were attempting to scam a scam catcher. For your convenience, I snapped a photo of all of the Jam-A-Grams that Seal sent me:
(The top Jam-A-Gram's contents were blocked for that Jammer's safety.) Well, that's it about this chick. Stay safe and Comet On.

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